Goldfish Care - How To Do It
Without any control over their own environment, goldfish rely on us to provide them with the proper goldfish care that they deserve. To enhance the quality of the goldfish's life, it's important to plan things right from the beginning, not rushing trough any part of the process. Goldfish care here we come!
While the early history has been lost, it is known the Chinese began developing them before 1000 AD. As we know them today, goldfish with their bright colors and many forms, in no way resemble with their wild ancestors, the Carp.
Trough the centuries, the goldfish's popularity has ever increased, being the most modified species of animals. This is mainly due to them being fairly easy to care for and very pretty to look at, with many different varieties. They're great for teaching young children about responsibility and also make excellent office decorations.
Like people, goldfish have a varied personality. Some of them are timid, while others are very outgoing. One thing is certain, that goldfish typically are non aggressive creatures. However, stress can change their behavior into an extreme behavior. Finding a way to relieve stress is important.
Goldfish do have to rest periodically trough the day. They have no eye lids and it is required to have the lights turned Off in the night so that they can get a good sleep.
A healthy goldfish spends little or no time at the surface. If you observe your goldfish floating or gasping at the surface, this is an indicator of little or no oxygen in the water.
Bowl, Aquarium or Pond
Many goldfish owners keep their goldfish in a bowl. But, when you take a look at it, most common goldfish sickness problems stem from poor water quality. A goldfish should never be kept in a bowl. WHY? It's too small!
For instance how are goldfish going to get all the oxygen they need? From my experience, a goldfish requires at least 10 gallons (38 liters) of water. And that is just for a tiny goldfish.
Goldfish need to live in aquariums or ponds!
Some suggested places to locate your aquarium are:
- an office (very relaxing for your clients)
- the kitchen (kitchen floors usually deal with water spills so water changes won't be a problem)
- your lounge area
Goldfish Diet
If you believe that the only food goldfish need to thrive are goldfish flakes or pellets, you are wrong. Here's why:
Goldfish are natural scavengers and omnivores (they eat everything). In the wild, goldfish naturally get a varied diet that consists of crustaceans, insects, algae or even leaves.
Living in aquariums, it is normal for their owners to feed them flakes. For one thing, goldfish are not getting enough fiber because flakes are not a balanced enough diet.
Goldfish love to have variety in what they eat. They have a high need for fresh fruit and vegetables. Feed them veggies and fruit regularly and you can expect them to stay far healthier and thrive.
Water Temperature
Goldfish are classified as cold water fish and can live in an unheated aquarium at a temperature comfortable to humans. However, rapid changes in temperature can kill them.
Maintain a steady temperature. The immune system of fish gets compromised below 50oF(10oC). Parasites and other infections can often become more active when the temperature increases rapidly.
If the water temperature in your house varies considerably from day to day, then you need to install a heater in your tank. "Fancy" goldfish varieties require a water temperature between 60oF(15oC) and 75oF(24oC).
Water temperature is also very important when breeding goldfish. Goldfish breeders stimulate their goldfish by increasing the water temperature during the day.
How To Do A Water Change
Weekly water changes are at the core of your goldfish care. Weekly water changes keep ammonia levels low, increase oxygen in the tank and clean all the waste product that have accumulated in the gravel.
What you need:
- gravel cleaner
- 5-liter bucket
- water conditioner
- old cloth towels
Step 1: Preparation
- Place the towels on the floor to catch any drips or mess
- Add fresh tap water to a bucket or a water jug. Ensure you add the correct amount of water conditioner to the water before you add it to the tank
- Adjust water temperature using cold tap water and boiled water. Boiled water removes the germs
- Place the draining bucket on the towels
- Ensure the bucket is lower that the level of the bottom of the tank (gravity will drain water away)
Step 2: Remove the water
- Place the gravel cleaner inside the tank. Suck firmly on the end of the gravel cleaner pipe till the water starts to flow
- Move the gravel cleaner from one corner of the tank to the next. Press it into the gravel to collect the waste matter. You will see dirty, clowdy water draining into the bucket
- Remove as much of the waste products as possible. Place your finger over the end where dirty water is coming out so it won't suck up clearer water
- Continue this until you have removed 50-60% of the water in the tank
Step 3: Add the new water
- Ensure you have not vacuumed any small fish
- Gently add the treated fresh water till the aquarium is full
- Let it settle. Place the cover on the tank at once
Mixing and Overcrowding Goldfish
Did you know you have to choose the goldfish varieties to keep together with great care? Or you can end up with unnecessary goldfish care stress.
By combining the wrong goldfish varieties in the same tank, you will have problems like: goldfish bullying, stress, slower goldfish not feeding properly etc. A rule of thumb is to keep goldfish in the same aquarium if they are similar in type, size and speed.
Your Goldfish need plenty of space to move, swim and play. You can't expect them to be happy if you don't give them a lot of room to move about. This gives them the chance to engage in a range of normal behaviors.
Love to you,
Useful Articles
Feeding Goldfish The Healthy Way | Benefits and Tips
Goldfish Water | Quality and Maintenance
Goldfish Tanks - Buying The Aquarium You Dream About
Fish Tank Set Up | A Freshwater Step-By-Step Guide
Goldfish Behavior - Male Goldfish and Female Goldfish Characteristics
There seems to be a new trend where goldfish are given to children as birthday party favors. Giving a goldfish as a party favor or a birthday gift is not always a good idea. Children are often not ready for the responsibility of taking care of a goldfish. Maybe giving birthday flowers or small birthday plants would be more responsible than arbitrarily giving a goldfish to a child as a birthday party gift.
Image credits to: ~my7uae @